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уторак, 22. новембар 2016.

Iskra Lawrence plus sajz manekenka šokirala putnike u metrou (VIDEO)

Poznata plus-sajz manekenka Iskra Lorens odlučila je da uradi neočekivanu stvar u njujorškoj podzemnoj železnici.

This is the end of a very special video 👆watch the full vid now- link in my bio👆 for @highqualityhumanbeings & their @unmuted.tv series.... Now more than ever we need to share our voices. Minorities, POC, women, the LGBTQ+ community, we all have so much power and the more we share, listen & learn from each other we can grow. Hopefully one day we can all live a non judgemental world full of love for one another. Appreciating the value in others and ourselves. Knowing we are equal and choosing to empower each other. It starts rn and it's the choices we make everyday. S/o to the incredible team🙏 director @alexandra_gavillet shot by @wendybowman_ produced by @natashagaroosi ILY (you gotta watch the full video to understand y I'm stood there not wearing full clothes)

Видео запис корисника Iskra lawrence🦄✨ (@iskra) дана

stina je da su Njujorčani videli mnogo toga vozeći se u metrou, ali ovo je možda prvi put da je jedna manekenka odlučila da se skine na sred prevoza.

Pre nego što je skinula garderovu Iskra je ispričala svoju priču o tome kako je naučila da voli svoje telo.

Primetićete da mnogi putnici nisu ni primetili šta Iskra radi budući da gledali u svoje telefone ili čitali knjige.

- Odrastala sam mrzeći ono što vidim u ogledalu jer mi je društvo poručivalo da nisam dovoljno dobra. Mislila sam da nešto nije uredu sa mnom jer nisam imala rupu među butinama, jer sam imala celulit i nisam bila mršava. To je ono što čujete u medijima. Tako se prave stadardi lepote, ali mi smo mnogo više od toga - poručila je ona i skunula svoju crnu haljinu pred putnicima.

💕I'm so excited to share the @Aerie #RealWishes contest with you all🙌 we wanted to share some extra love this holiday & all you have to do is tell us how you / your friends / group / organisation make a difference or give back✨ so post to insta or twitter tagging #RealWishes & #AerieContest sharing your stories (could be making someone's day , feeding the hungry helping someone in need really anyone you / you & your friends paying it forward) 🙏 the deadline is 11.14❗️ and the winners will get some extra special holiday magic💝🎉🎁 #AerieReal #iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful 📸 @alimitton MUA @cdaymakeup AD @summietime styling @erincrittling wearing new @aerie no retouching

Фотографија корисника Iskra lawrence🦄✨ (@iskra) дана


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